Field Service Cloud Software Feautres

Job Card Management
Job categories
Job scheduling
Assign job cards and dispatch field service teams
Export jobs in .xlsx and PDF format

Job Scheduling Optimization
Working hours
Driver availability
Job cards due and completed
Customization to-do items
Flag job card reminders

Client management
Client portal
Job requirements
Client database
Client history
Custom fields

Resource Management
To-do item description
Item type (service or product)
Fleet status and availability
Fleet reports

Real Time Mobility
Real time job card notification
Field service team tracking
Maintain job status: complete or hold a job in the field
Field team Mobile App

Quotation and Invoicing
Account holder and payment type
Status management (paid, outstanding)

Administration & Configuration
Account holder management
Driver management
Group location management
Street & complexes management
Vehicle management
Working hours
Data import & export (jobs, clients, catalogue, users, etc.)
Custom fields
Data report exports